SSB 9/25/22: was right!


Our reporting was right!

Companies Fined $325,000 for Selling Pesticide to Fight Coronavirus 

“E.P.A. Says Zoono USA and Zoono Holdings, New Jersey companies, sold Zoono Microbe Shield through numerous websites and were fined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The product, Zoono Microbe Shield, from Zoono USA and Zoono Holdings, was sold online through Amazon and other websites and to community centers and was even purchased by United Airlines during the height of the pandemic to disinfect cabins, the E.P.A. said Wednesday in a statement announcing the settlement”.

Here is what we reported back in Feb of 2021 on Hard to believe both United and Southwest were sold on the false claims from this company. Many products push the “spears and spikes” technology that somehow penetrates the cell wall of viruses and wipes them out. The problem is the only claim they have is against odor-causing bacteria.

We reached out to both Southwest and United about the false claims, and they eventually took down the PR on their websites, we are not sure when they stopped using the product.

Jancast #131 – Podcasting to a cleaner & healthier world

In this week’s show, we explore a new survey that views the facility service providers’ relationship with distributors and what they expect to be provided for future needs. Here are some of the stats, 87% say they get product knowledge from distributors, 45% say training is a value add they would like, 48% order from a distributor, 33% a distributor buy online, 11% combined of e-tailer or direct.

We also revisit robotic cleaning and the new trends coming with that technology.


Are you coming to the ISSA show in Chicago? We are at booth #1716

Scott Jarden

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SSB 10/2/22: We all want a personalized consumer experience