SSB 6/16/24: Who Is Responsible For Fathers Day?


Who is responsible for Fathers Day?
Thanks Mom

Father’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century as a complement (that is a nice way to say it) to Mother’s Day, which was established to honor mothers and motherhood.

The idea of a day to celebrate fathers was first proposed by Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, in 1909. Inspired by the success of Mother’s Day, she sought to create a similar holiday to recognize and honor fathers, particularly her own father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran and a single parent who raised six children.

The first official Father’s Day celebration took place on June 19, 1910, in Spokane. The holiday gradually gained popularity and support across the country, eventually becoming a national observance when President Lyndon B. Johnson issued a proclamation in 1966 designating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. It was later made a permanent national holiday in 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed it into law.

Bringing a question to the present, of the Fathers out there, how many of you get multiple days to celebrate Fathers Day.  Maybe we fathers can get the weekend as a complement to what is the norm for Mothers now….just asking. For the record, I loved my Mom.

Jancast # 170 is now up, new this week if you have already watched the previous Jancast episodes

Special Guest- Dinesh Wadhwani, CEO of ThinkLite Air
Breathe Easy: Your IAQ  just got tested and what that means to your health

In this episode we continue our discussions with industry experts about science based information that is shaping how we deal with pathogens in a post pandemic time. What did we learn for spraying vegtables, safe distancing, masking etc?

Dinesh Wadhwani talks about how indoor air quality is the next step in understanding infections and pathogen control.

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