SSB 11/14/21: Just say no!


Warren Buffett Says What Separates Successful People from Everyone Else Really Comes Down to a 2-Letter Word

The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people SAY NO to almost everything.

Now, I’m not sure if this example qualifies as the “difference between successful people and really successful people,” but here are the things I recommend you say ‘no’ to, based on my own observations of really successful people:
Say no to opportunities and things that don’t speak to your values, or further your personal or organizational mission.
Say no to superficial networking. Really successful people don’t network. They build relationships.
Say no to overworking by doing all the work yourself. Delegate instead and trust in others’ abilities and skills to get the job done.
Say no to neglecting your deepest wishes and desires for what your want to accomplish in life. Stop accommodating and yielding to others’ wishes and desires. It’s your life, take control of it, and live your calling.
For the full article:

Jancast # 111 is up! (new show from last week in case you missed it)

Our post-Halloween show with scary stuff like what we did for costumes, trick or treating, and new supply chain issues. Tributoxyethyl Phosphate, or TBEP, which is used in most floor finishes is now in short supply and also increasing the cost of the finished products. This is not just a Bullen problem but most manufacturers will have the same issue (but you heard about it here first).

We also discuss the new Leeds approved list of ingredients for formulating disinfectants that would gain points for facilities using these products. We also go back and talk about all of the nasty pathogen control products from the past.

Have a great day and an even better sales week and Stay Safe!

Scott Jarden

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