SSB 10/25/20: Back to business #9, clean your bathrooms!


Back to business #9, clean your bathrooms!

Americans Fear Public Restrooms

Americans are going out into the world less often, and they’re also visiting the restroom less frequently when they are out. In fact, because of COVID-19 they’re planning their shopping trips specifically around the call of nature in order to avoid public restrooms. This all according to Big Red Rooster, a JLL company, who partnered with ENGINE Insights to survey 1,000 American adults in September 2020 about what they expect of the post-COVID public restroom.

 98 percent of consumers believe restroom cleanliness is important
– 42 percent have used public restrooms significantly less than they did before the pandemic
– One-third have left a public restroom without using it due to lack of cleanliness
– 36 percent have planned shorter shopping trips to avoid using public restrooms
– 9 percent have used a portable toilet to avoid going into a public restroom
– 12 percent say they or a family member has urinated outdoors to avoid a public restroom
– 15 percent report holding their breath during their restroom trip

We have been talking about this subject for the last 3-4 months. It is nice to see the data the backs up the importance for your businesses and others.–26215oly_enc_id=3803B8446378B3M&utm_source=enewsletterDaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=smnewsletter-2020

Below is the link for this week’s Covid Update- In this week’s show we discuss the EPA Announcement of Expedited Pathway for Companies to Claim “Long-Lasting” Efficacy for Antiviral Products The guidance specifies scientific testing requirements for two different types of products: supplemental residual antimicrobial products and residual disinfectants.

Have a great day and an even better sales week and Stay Safe!

Scott Jarden

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