SSB 8/18/24: Can AI Make a Good Promo Video For Our New Product?


Can an AI app make a product video for Protecto-Shine?

For those who have been following the Sunday Sales Blast for a while, you know that I love experimenting with artificial intelligence. Two weeks ago, I discovered an app priced at $9.99 that generates 100 headshots for your LinkedIn, Zoom, or other online profiles. (

This week I found a new app, (, that offers video creation and incorporates artificial intelligence. It helped me produce a 30-second clip to promote our new product, Truekleen Protecto-Shine. Although it’s not a finished product, it provides a solid idea of the flow from one marketing point to another. They offer an excellent tutorial on their website.

Jancast #173 is now available, delving deeper into the connection between cleaning and science.

Our special guest this week is Linda Lybert, President/Surface Safety Expert, and Founder/Executive Director of Healthcare Surfaces Institute, a new division of the ISSA. We also discuss the unfortunate passing of Ian Greig. Greig’s name and reputation are synonymous with change and innovation. Throughout his career, he consistently brought increased productivity to the industry, including transitioning to Day Cleaning, which revolutionized the underlying philosophy of facilities management.


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