Sunday Sales Blast 5/5/19


Burger King has a message for McDonald’s: Not every meal is happy.

Burger King’s latest promotion throws some shade at McDonald’s and its Happy Meals.

The fast food chain rolled out a new Whopper meal box, called “Real Meals,” labeled with different moods and colors. The packaging comes in five moods: the Pissed in red, Blue for sad, Salty in teal, YAAAS in purple and DGAF (that’s don’t give a f— in internet speak) in black.

And, good eyes, there’s no “happy” option, like its competitor McDonald’s (MCD) has.

“With the pervasive nature of social media, there is so much pressure to appear happy and perfect,” Burger King said in a release. “With Real Meals, the Burger King brand celebrates being yourself and feeling however you want to feel.”

Burger King launched the meals Thursday, near the beginning of May, which is the start of Mental Health Awareness Month. The company partnered with the non-profit organization Mental Health America to promote the “overall mental health of all Americans.”

Burger King also produced a commercial for the #FeelYourWay campaign featuring young people experiencing the promotion’s range of emotions. The nearly two-minute ad ends with “No one is happy all the time, and that’s OK.”

Ok, you are saying what does this have to do with Jansan? It is thinking out of the box (sorry for that pun), doing something different to get the attention of your existing and new customers. What can you do with your branding and marketing to make people think differently about you and your company?

In Bullen case, while we are a manufacturer of cleaning products we also try to differentiate ourselves by our byline “Craft Blenders of Specialty Cleaning Products”

Have great day and even better sales week!

Scott Jarden

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